Running a program BEFORE standby?

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Running a program BEFORE standby?

Post by plympton » Wed May 26, 2004 11:21 pm

I really want to put my Athlon 2400+ Mobile into my Biostar 200V - the regular 2600+ Barton that's in there now is just way too hot! The only problem is, if the 2400+ is running at anything other than 800 or 1000 MHz, the system freezes after waking from sleep. Who knows why, it just does.

So, I'd like to have it go back to 1000 MHz (166 bus * 6.0) using CPUMSR's shortcut anytime it goes into Standby mode I've found a bunch of programs that will enter standby, but none of them intercept the regular Windows standby command.

So, I'm looking to either intercept the standby command, or just turn it off, and have another program have the timeout and enter standby.



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