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My compliments to all SPCR forum members

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:29 am
by Katana Man
I've been on many forums over the years, and I must compliment you guys on how clean your posts are. I was just noticing today that the posts from you guys are enjoyable to read, contains no profanity, informative, etc... We all seem focused on the task at hand, which is silencing our PC's. It's a very fun and addicting task, I might add.

Anyway, keep up the good postings. I'm certain that I can speak on behalf of SPCR members when I say, "Thanks Mike for providing such a nice site for us."

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 9:42 am
by Wrah
Same here. Stumbled onto this forum a few weeks ago and immediately noticed that people were actually nice and polite to each other. New people with "stupid" questions don't get slapped in the face with the faq just because they didn't follow the strict posting rules, didn't use the search because that same question was already asked 5 months ago by someone else, or just because they're "n00bs". Didn't know it still existed on the internet. :)

I also wanna thank the people here for making me believe my not-so-noisy PC is actually making a lot a noise which must be silenced nomatter the costs (spent more money on my pc the last 2 weeks then in the whole year before). When I play a mp3 I'm now spending more time listening to my pc then to the music and watching movies has become almost impossible. All I care about is if it's the psu fan that I'm hearing or the air going through the heatsink. Also, I suddenly seem find it an immense pleasure to just watch my PC fold(Yes! another frame finished).. for hours an hours gazing at molecules.

Thank you all. ;)

Re: My compliments to all SPCR forum members

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 9:45 am
by aphonos
Katana Man wrote:I've been on many forums over the years, and I must compliment you guys on how clean your posts are. I was just noticing today that the posts from you guys are enjoyable to read, contains no profanity, informative, etc... We all seem focused on the task at hand, which is silencing our PC's. It's a very fun and addicting task, I might add.

Anyway, keep up the good postings. I'm certain that I can speak on behalf of SPCR members when I say, "Thanks Mike for providing such a nice site for us."
Here, here!!! :D :D Three cheers for MikeC (and his trusty helpers Alistair and the other moderators). You guys set the tone for SPCR to have class!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 10:16 am
by miker
Yes, exactly. Also everyone here seems to have a semblance of proper grammar and comprehension of what a complete sentence is. :) No offense to our non-English speaking members, you guys do a great job too. Often on hardware sites the non-english speakers have better sentence structure than the Americans and Canadians.

I get so physically tired reading posts when I am constantly translating into English from a half baked chat language.

People here help each other and work on common problems in a polite manner.

This is truly a community, not a black hole of benchmark comparisons and one-upmanship.

-Mike Russo

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 12:40 pm
by MikeC
As long as we're being self-congratulatory, let me just say Katana is right on -- we all together make this community happen. Take a break from the silence tonight & go have a couple drinks for the SPCR forum gang at some noisy fun pub tonight. :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 1:14 pm
by dgouldin
How much foam does it take to shut up a noisy drunk?

(Excuse me, sir, but your dB level is unacceptable. Please lower your cfm or I'm going to have to undervolt you.)

I agree on the whole community thing. This is the best forum I have ever been a part of. I don't have to read and reread my posts 10 times to make sure there's not some nitpicky thing that somebody could berrate me about before I send them. And the fact that a rather unexperienced user like rosy_toes can get real help without having to endure the grief that we all know socially weathered 'net regulars are capable of giving "newbies" is really a testament to the people here.

Perhaps there is some trend between people who love their quiet and an amicable disposition. ... Then again that trend doesn't seem to hold true with my downstairs neighbor and his broom. :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 1:15 pm
by marc999
If I lived in Vancouver, I would suggest joining you at the pub !! Unfortunately, I'm stuck here in Redneck Alberta.

On Wednesday I'm heading for my annual camping trip to the ShuSwap (in ScotchCreek at the ShuShap Provincial Campground). A fellow Albertan and I will be joining our high school buddies that now reside in Vancouver and Whistler. If you're doing nothing from Wednesday April 30 to Sunday May 4, you could come join us Mike !! You should bring your own tent though!! :D

P.S. - Bring women too. And I like 'em like my computer: nice and silent !!
Ha, ha, ha !!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 1:32 pm
by MikeC
marc999 wrote:P.S. - Bring women too. And I like 'em like my computer: nice and silent !!
Ha, ha, ha !!
:lol: :shock: :shock: Better not let Betty see this; she's liable to ask loudly who the h___ I'm hanging out with all the time! :wink:

Camping sounds like it could be fun, but how the rain factor at shuswap? I think this spring is one of the wettest on record (around Vancouver anyway) after one of the driest winters. I detest camping in the rain!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 2:02 pm
by d_kay
I've seen alot of this:

you all so stopid, I'm gonna **** with your *** before you know whats'a lot f*kin I RUUUUUUUUUUUUUULE, YOU VAN GET LEaving you sick of damn .... YOU ARE WRONG I AM RIGHT,

mentality that I can't stand it anymore. Usually it's because some people don't read whole posts or simply not explain themselves completely. And it seem to happen around forums where a lot of prestige is in the air.. like: who's right or not. What is better than that etc.

I somehow can't seem to imagine how that could happen here.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 3:10 pm
by mynci
you so stopid, I'm gonna **** with your *** before you know whats'a lot f*kin I RUUUUUUUUUUUUUULE, YOU VAN GET LEaving you sick of damn .... YOU ARE WRONG I AM RIGHT

so there

nah nahnah nah nah

panaflos suck ****

i like loud computers. thay r more betterer.



Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 5:13 pm
by marc999
Camping sounds like it could be fun, but how the rain factor at shuswap? I think this spring is one of the wettest on record (around Vancouver anyway) after one of the driest winters. I detest camping in the rain!
We've been doing this now for about three years and it's been pretty good all but one time. However, I believe this year is an El Nino year, which means the weather is very unpredictable. Take today for example in Calgary. We had something like 300 accidents this morning alone, roads are closed off, and did I mention the snow is like 1 meter high. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but not too much. And yesterday it was like plus 15 and green grass, not even a patch of snow.

But yes, if it starts raining too much then we'll just go back into town and do something crazy like buy all Panflow fans in BC and then crank up the price and sell them back !! Wha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Seriously though, I've sacrificed a few goats to the sun gods so it should all be good !!! :D

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 6:04 pm
by Zhentar
dgouldin wrote:How much foam does it take to shut up a noisy drunk?

(Excuse me, sir, but your dB level is unacceptable. Please lower your cfm or I'm going to have to undervolt you.)
Hehe I like that.

Even if you people have made me spend so much money, its a wonderful site full of capitalization and grammar.

and no 1337 h4xx0rs!

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 7:02 am
by crisspy
Yup. Home.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 10:03 am
by Gandalf
My posts occasionally contain a fair amount of profanity and my grammar isn't 100% (I've never spoken English in my life), but thanks anyway ;).