Antec 3700BQE - Sometimes quiet. (Help?)

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Dirk the Daring
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Antec 3700BQE - Sometimes quiet. (Help?)

Post by Dirk the Daring » Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:44 am


About a month ago, I got fed up with my computer sounding like a jet every time I turned it on, so I decided to take the first step to making it quieter-- I purchsed an Antec 3700 BQE case.

The difference was amazing. I was very, very happy. I mean, it wasn't silent, but if anything else was making noise, I couldn't hear it. Really, this was quiet enough for me.

But then, one day, the power supply fan started making squeaky noises-- Like it had gotten out of alignment, or some friction was being generated. So I took it back. Although it was past the date I was allowed to return it, the store still accepted it as an exchange. Great!

So I got the new case home, and was impressed again-- this new case was even more quiet than the last one! This time, the power supply fan was operating at variable speeds, which the previous one didn't. At this point, I assumed my original case was defective in some way.

All great, right?

Two days ago, the power supply fan started making little squeaking noises again. Not very loud, but at a pitch where it grates. This only happens when the fan is running faster than idle-- and eventually it USUALLY goes away.

So I'm trying to figure out what to do. I honestly don't know what to do at this point. The store I purchased the case from is an hour away, and I'm not really up for taking everything out of the case again, driving up there, and reinstalling everythig if the next case is going to do this again-- and that is all assuming that the store is willing to do another case exchange.

Ideas? Comments? Help?

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Post by m0002a » Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:57 am

You might try calling Antec Support. You really only need to replace the PSU, not the entire case.

Most people on this forum would replace the PSU (at own expense) to something like a Seasonci S12 380/430.

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Post by kloppe » Fri Apr 29, 2005 9:26 am

I had the same problem with my SL-350S (the PSU that comes w/ the BQE). The store I bought it from refused to take it back though, so I just replaced the PSU fan myself. Doing so voids your warranty of course, but meh. :P

Dirk the Daring
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Post by Dirk the Daring » Tue May 03, 2005 12:10 pm

So I tried the easy path-- I called Antec support.

I think I was redirected to some high schooler's basement.

Anyway, after a bit of talking, he said that he didn't know what was going on, and that I should return this case, too.

So I'm making "tech support" as "not useful", and moving on from there.

I saw a post in this forum that discussed bending the fins of the power supply to allow more air in. Seems like a good idea, however, it doesn't actually solve the problem.

So I'm down to "replace the fan" and "replace the power supply". I noted that in one of the reviews on this site, the power supply is rated fairly poorly in relation to other quiet products.

Perhaps I need to pick something up closer to silent.

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Post by teejay » Tue May 03, 2005 12:20 pm

Are you sure the noise you're hearing is caused by the fan? You can try stopping the fan by jamming something in there... preferably something soft and non-conductive :wink: Just for a few seconds, that should be enough to find out whether the problem is caused by the fan. If you're still hearing noises, chances are you've got coil whine on your hands.

The stock PSU from the BQE is not too bad but in my book it's not a quality PSU like Seasonic, Enermax or Nexus. So you can keep on exchanging it but it won't become quiet (or a high-efficiency unit for that matter). Having said that, if the unit is defective you should always exchange it obviously, even if it only ends up in a box of spare parts. It is likely that the store will take back the PSU seperately; that would save you the time of disassembling your entire rig.

Bottom line: check the fan, if that causes it you can either exchange the unit again or swap the fan... but either way, you'll still have an average PSU. If funds permit, I'd get a new unit from te recommended list and sell/retire the SL-350.

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Post by ~El~Jefe~ » Wed May 11, 2005 8:30 pm

the cost of shipping it will make it less worth than the fact that when you recieve the new one, it will eventually make more noise. (I KNOW!!! blah!)

430 s12 or the one right below that are great ideas for an air cooled setup.

that case you have, i have as well, and love it. I dont use the psu though.

Is it the smartpower?

I mean, you could also get a decently efficient rated psu and mod it with a silent fan. this of course is the most silent option possible. it also can cause burning and death so i just wait till i save up for a new one.

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