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The World's Most Dangerous Person

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:09 am
by Reachable
I visited the website of the TV program "60 Minutes". (I wanted to check out a segment on the easy-to-behold Penelope Cruz.) On the front page there was a poll "Who is the most dangerous person in the world?"

The way this was executed was infuriating, because there were only four choices: Osama bin Laden, Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Hugo Chavez. Resisting the urge to say that the pollsters were being utterly manipulative by only including those who would be on the lists of Republicans/corporate, it's far more likely that they conveniently forgot to remember that among their audience are those who might have enough information to see through or beyond what politicians put forth to rile people up.

And they didn't even include a fifth choice "None of the above."

But it got me thinking -- who is the most dangerous person in the world?

First of all, for the four listed: bin Laden would have to be considered somewhat dangerous because he has a documented record of inspiring others to violence and destruction; Kim Jong Il would probably have to be in the "dangerous" category too, if only because of the ferocity of his rhetoric; Ahmadinejad is not dangerous; and Hugo Chavez is downright inspiring and a hero, dangerous only to multinational corporations.

Who else could be on the list by popular demand? Why, Sarah Palin! A mixture of incompetence, ruthless ambition and frightening popularity, it's not completely outside the bounds of probability that she could become president!

But all the above are really just pipsqueaks. bin Laden is a sickly, moderately wealthy individual hiding in a bunker and influencing people on the fringe. Kim Jong Il is a desperate, caged animal; and Sarah Palin is, for the moment anyway, just a figure to shake your head and roll your eyes at.

A truly dangerous person is one who has the power to control dominating armies, to willingly send people in large numbers to destroy themselves and others, and who has the choice whether to do so or not, and decides to do so.

So who is the most dangerous person in the world? While it's true that 99.9% of the world's most dangerous people are those who sit on the figurative right hand side of the aisle, who preach and act on primal passion, fear, and loyalty, the nominated person does not fall into that category. Although I hate to say it, despite the tremendously hard-fought accomplishments on economic justice, and the wonderful turn in direction on environmental policy; by virtue of escalating the war in Afghanistan and setting the stage for even more unnecessary death and destruction, the world's most dangerous person is, unfortunately, Barack Obama.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:06 pm
by colm
in america, it is not possible to list a most dangerous person.

barack speaks on behalf of a much bigger think than his own. He speaks well. good job. (him and his family just spent two days not far from me)

then with knowledge gained with la costra nosa, minoroties in clanly ethnic idiocy (at your best, it is idiot.) ..all in america... there is no way to call one person "THE".

threat of a big weapon is the most dangerous...and that is not a person. That is a scary gov't if that fails.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:20 pm
by lm
Probably the pope. He preaches that condoms do not prevent hiv at all and there are a lot of people that listen to him.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:12 pm
by aristide1
bin Laden would have to be considered somewhat dangerous because he has a documented record of inspiring others to violence and destruction;
So has the king of the 21st Century Crusades. But which has a higher body count?
Probably the pope. He preaches that condoms do not prevent hiv at all and there are a lot of people that listen to him.
Well maybe that's the answer. Let's create a list by body count.

Country leaders, religious leaders, drug cartels, mosquitoes.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:23 pm
by m0002a
I would say that the world's most dangerous person is the one who thinks he/she knows for certain who the most dangerous person is.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:26 pm
by Vicotnik
m0002a wrote:I would say that the world's most dangerous person is the one who thinks he/she knows for certain who the most dangerous person is.
Exactly. But one such person alone is usually just an annoyance. In numbers they are extremely dangerous.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:26 pm
by aristide1
m0002a wrote:I would say that the world's most dangerous person is the one who thinks he/she knows for certain who the most dangerous person is.
That would inlcude any extremst, bin Laden, the Great Crusader, and the one who can't recall what newspapers she reads.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:31 pm
by m0002a
Vicotnik wrote:Exactly. But one such person alone is usually just an annoyance. In numbers they are extremely dangerous.
In places where there are dictatorships, and/or where elections are a sham, it sometimes only takes one.

Re: The World's Most Dangerous Person

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:52 pm
by Redzo
Reachable wrote: But it got me thinking -- who is the most dangerous person in the world?
I don't have the full identity but I promise you it's a woman :lol:

Re: The World's Most Dangerous Person

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:31 pm
by Vicotnik
Redzo wrote:I don't have the full identity but I promise you it's a woman :lol:
:lol: For me it was, and she lives in your city my friend. Watch out. :P

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:46 am
by edh
Although he's been dead over 65 years this man comes in with a shout as his inventions are still killing people:,_Jr.

Coming up with both leaded fuel and CFCs is something pretty special!

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:31 am
by Hayate19XX
Frying pan + Let's just say your Mom/Mother (Facts on wiki say It's technically an women, hmmm?) = Sir/lady/etc. here's worlds most dangerous person :P

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:10 pm
by xan_user

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:48 pm
by ~El~Jefe~

Even after death?

hey, it's an opinion poll.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:52 pm
by NyteOwl
Of those living? Barak Obama

Of those dead? Atilla the Hun

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:16 am
by alecmg
A dangerous person would have great power at his fingertips or great human masses following him blindly.
Not necessarily with inclination to use the power. Just the possibility to do it without anyones approvl or anybody having a way to stop him.

Osama while being inspiration to hundreds of millions doesn't have more than a couple thousand truly fanatic followers.

American or any other president or powers behind them are part of a system, bunch of people who must agree before commensing.

Captain of a nuclear sub comes to mind. But there are probably a lot of safety protocols that require at least his leutenants approval before he can push the red button...

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:15 pm
by Reachable
As it turns out, the world's most dangerous person is not even human and lives in an undisclosed location, but has the will and the personal magnetism to achieve global domination.

A photo, apparently unaltered, resides at the link below: ... gerous.jpg

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:15 pm
by ~El~Jefe~
Reachable wrote:As it turns out, the world's most dangerous person is not even human and lives in an undisclosed location, but has the will and the personal magnetism to achieve global domination.

A photo, apparently unaltered, resides at the link below: ... gerous.jpg
OMGOSH! Terrifying!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:19 pm
by NyteOwl
You found a picture of George Soros? :D

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:47 pm
by NeilBlanchard

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:15 am
by Strid