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My first Visual C++ Project.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:37 pm
by aristide1
It's not "Hello World."

1. I have a C language CLI program that I need to start. Obviously I do this with CreateProcess, which there are many C++ examples out there, but little guidance for Visual C++. My test project is called "test" and the main form is "form1" (can you imagine?) So I find a CreateProcess example and it says place the declarations in the header file (.h). Uh all I have so far is form1.h, I don't see any form1.c file, and given the controls and their properties are in this file I think it will stay that way.

I am attempting to stay with Create Process because I need to send commands to this program at any time, not just at start up, I have not seen anything that indicates PowerShell can do this.

Anyway I'm looking to either start the CLI program with the form load or a button click, I frankly don't care which at this time. I'm assuming that's where the CreateProcess will actually reside, but what do I know?

2. I need to read share memory from this same program. This is something I haven't done in any language. I can't pass parms, as the shared memory area will be updated constantly and the Visual C++ program will have to continually poll it and read the updates.

3. And now the results. I need something that functions just like the CPU Usage History of the Performance Tab in Task Manager. The chart control seemed like the logical choice, but with the time progression I am not so sure. (I'll code the whole thing piece meal on a panel with lines and bars and stuff if I have to, I just hope I don't have to.

(The total elapsed time will be set/limited, so a track bar control can be attached and when the time has elapsed the user can still view all the results. The track bar is the least if my worries.)

Any help with any part is appreciated. It's going to be a long w/e.
