Concerned About Proper Airflow in P180; Suggestions Please!!

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Concerned About Proper Airflow in P180; Suggestions Please!!

Post by MarcusAurelius » Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:30 pm

Well, this is my first post in this forum, HELLO! and THANKS for creating a great website devoted to a very important, and overlooked!, part of the PC. I have been "stalking" the forums for the past two weeks and felt the need to register and help others with the knowledge I've accumulated. I am by no means an expert and that's why I'm asking for help! Thanks once again! : )

I am so, so close to purchasing the following

e6600 Conroe
2 GB (2x1gb) Corsair DDR2 800 RAM
P5W DH Deluxe Motherboard
320 GB 7200.10 HD Seagate (thought about another HD such as WD, but price to great!)
Seasonic S12-430
P180 Case
X1900XTX Video Card
DW1650 Benq DVD-Burner

Well my strategy to combat comp noise is...
P180 case
Zalman VF900 for X1900XTX
Scythe (spelling?) Ninja for the CPU
Debating on buying three fans (Nexus 120) to replace stock fans
Thinking about Zalman fan controller to drop voltages on fans
Really thinking about the fans for the VF900 and the Ninja; this is where I'm stumped!!!

I'm not sure if I should buy a 120 fan for the CPU, but I do plan to overclock (not hardcore, just a mild overclock) and I know I must have the Zalman fan on the VF900. I Just don't want to disrupt airflow from the P180 (three stock locations). I mean would it be good to build a duct for the cpu fan to exhaust out (maybe the top vent ?) . I am concerned with the air flow in the case and I feel having the VF900 and the Ninja might "damage" the air-flow. Any suggestions will be appreciated. I just don't to have fans galore in there cause more db and screw with case air flow in the process.

Thank you

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Post by DanW » Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:38 pm

You shouldn't have any problems cooling the e6600 as far as I am aware. I have my ninja fan-less with all the stock fans on minimum. With good cable management (i.e. going absolutely mental with clips and ties) you can get fairly good airflow through the case.

The Seasonic looks like a good choice of PSU. Even if you keep the standard fan on minimum it should be more than cool enough.

With regards the HDDs, I know many people (including myself) put them in the bottom bay with the PSU, so they get good cooling, and remove the top tray, removing more airflow restrictions.

If you're going to use the Scythe fan included with the ninja then you definitely need a fan controller. A relatively cheep fanmate will do the job nicely.

I'm not sure about the graphics card. I'm currently on the look out for a fan controller that fits in with the P180 and has a 2-pin connector.


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Post by natethegreat » Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:54 am

DanW wrote: I'm not sure about the graphics card. I'm currently on the look out for a fan controller that fits in with the P180 and has a 2-pin connector.
I just extended the tail on the VF-900 and connected it to one my Zalman ZM-MFC1 fan controllers switched channels, I leave it run at 5v and when I game (Oblivion,Quake4) I flip the switch to 12v. I dont know if it actually needs the 12v but with the speakers booming why not :D

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Post by cmthomson » Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:04 am

Ducting a Ninja out the back (not the top) is easy: four flat panels and some foam strips are all that's needed.

Your main issue is the 100+ W the VF900 will be dumping into the case from the video card. The VF900 itself will run quietly, but the hot air has to get out of the box, and without some ducting around the video area, the only way out is the top and back case holes, after going through the CPU HS. Likely to require some fairly high RPM fans. Ugh.

Being who I am, of course, I solved this for my 90W video card with more ducting: a simple divider separates the MB chamber into two parts, CPU/memory, and video. Openings in the back let the hot air out, and a fan in the middle of the box pushes fresh air towards the video cooler.

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