Shut off noisy hard drives in Win XP?

Silencing hard drives, optical drives and other storage devices

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Post by imaputz » Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:04 pm

Probably doesn't help much but...

If you have a SCSI system, you can use Adaptec's EZ-SCSI utility to power drives on and off while OS is running. You can even specify times for drives to power up/down.

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Post by tjoff » Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:47 am

I've looked for an app that does this for ages but never found one for windows. In linux hdparm works perfectly.

I've talked to Steve Gibson at and he said that he has done something similar and will add that to gizmo (an free app.) but I haven't seen any progress on this (was a while ago).

I really don't think windows power management is an alternative to this. Windows power management tries to shut down all drives - personally I want to specify which drive/drives to be shut down. Also I don't like the fact that it's a timer and that the drive spinn up as soon as it gets accessed.

It's quite frustrating that hdparm works just the way I want it to work but that there seems to be no alternative to it for windows - especially when it seems to be extremely easy to do (thats my view on it atleast, but if that were the case I can't imagine how there can't be any app that does this).

I've even considered to emulate linux under windows too use hdparm :p But I guess there could be some conflicts with windows when doing so.

Hdparm uses the ATA Standard power management commands (as far as I know) which means that it's OS independent.
If I boot knoppix on a bootable cd, turn an harddrive to standby and then reboots and starts windows the drive will shutdown as soon as it's not used by any app. Atleast thats how I think it works (It was a mistake and I really didn't like the fact that my three drives where spinning up and down all the time so I turned the computer off.
Hdparm also has an option to literally shut down the harddrive. Which means that it does not spin up whenever womething tries to access it (until you send that command to boot it again).

I guess I have to learn myself the nessesary programming skills and then write an app that does this myself :p

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Post by Inexplicable » Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:01 am

tjoff wrote:I guess I have to learn myself the nessesary programming skills and then write an app that does this myself :p
That's the spirit! Here's a couple of links you might find useful:

IOCTL_ATA_PASS_THROUGH (sending ATA/ATAPI commands to block devices)
ATA/ATAPI-7 Register Delivered Command Set

Should be easy enough. :D

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Post by autoboy » Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:39 pm

I tried everything i could think of to try to silent my extra drives and for the most part they stayed off. However, they always spun up right when i was trying to sleep and really started bugging me.

My solution was to just take them out of the computer and put them in my old p3 500 and stuck the computer in the closet. I can now access them anytime i want and they don't bother me a bit. I'm planning on putting Gigibit on it and it should help with the long transfer times.

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