How much impact do rear fan grills impede airflow/temps?

Enclosures and acoustic damping to help quiet them.

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How much impact do rear fan grills impede airflow/temps?

Post by shadymg » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:25 am

So i have a Silverstone LC10m HTPC Case, and i heard that the rear fan grills really prevent airflow.

before i start hacking up my system, i'd like to know what level of temperature decrease I could envision seeing if i did remove them with some tin snips? My system isn't super cool, but it's not worrisome hot either, but every little bit helps.

So just curious what temp differences people have seen before/after removing the grills.

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Post by justblair » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:36 am

Get rid of them, nice wire grills look better IMO and are less resistive. Iff your temps are good, removing them wont make much difference to you, but you will notice that your wind noise is reduced as well.

I got a few degrees drop in the system temps when I dremelled out the honeycombe rear of the PSU in my system. Nothing to shout from the rooftops about, but the noise, particularly the high frequency wind whistle reduced.

It is the removal of the higher frequencies that you notice most, even relatively low volume high frequencies tend to catch your attention.

Do it.

If your worried about losing the appearance of your case, look at some of the trims peeps use to tidy up. Or just spend a little time with a curved file to get a clean result.

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Post by Trunks » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:44 am

Removing one 80 mm grill from my Lian Li PC-6 reduced noise and my temps about 2 C.

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