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Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:32 pm
by andyb
excuse me while i ponder how come we cant fly, or breath under water yet without assistance...
You lack willpower according to one idiot.


Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:07 pm
by xan_user
andyb wrote:
You lack willpower
I will agree my willpower is lacking, but surely someone in the last few thousand years has had enough to at least accomplish one or the other?

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:23 pm
by Tetreb
What you suggest would take a lot more time than 1000 years.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:09 pm
by Reachable
xan_user wrote:wow. just wow. :shock:

to say im befuddled would be an understatement.

excuse me while i ponder how come we cant fly, or breath under water yet without assistance...
You'd have to give up a lot of the human abilities that you value if your body were to adapt to be able to fly or breathe under water.

A few years ago there was a girl in the U.S., about 16, who was the best rock climber without equipment in the world, better even than any man. Her family had been missionaries in Africa, and when she was about three years old her parents gave her a pet monkey. She wanted to be just like the monkey and followed it as it climbed trees. If you looked at her you at first wouldn't think she was any different than any other cute teenage girl, but her arms were actually extraordinarily long for her height, her body fat content was unusually low, and she had amazingly long fingers. She could do chin-ups with one finger of each hand. This is adaptation by a living creature.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:56 pm
by lhopitalified
andyb wrote:One of my main concerns with any member of the American right wing of politics is that they are Fundamentalist Christians and they seek (as their bullshit scriptures and the idiots at the pulpit tell them) to force their ancient and stupid beliefs onto everyone else, "God via Democracy" is a very bad thing indeed - and I don't even care what God it is, that is why I don't want another "Moron in the Whitehouse".
I think you've ascribed more homogeneity to the Republican party than actually exists. My impression is that there are different factions with fairly different goals, but happen to align in certain ways. There are libertarians who vote Republican because the Republican party "supposedly" (I say supposedly, because they support programs like the military and Homeland Security, which is far more expensive than most of the social programs they want to cut.) is for smaller government, and who have no major conflict with the religious agenda of the fundamentalist Christians.

There are also fundamentalist Christians who are fairly socially liberal, but for whom moral issues like abortion and the death penalty trump any other aspects of the party line that they may disagree with.

I'm sure there are also pro-corporation folks who vote Republican, because the Republican party tends to decrease progressive taxes (like income tax) in favor of regressive taxes, and who could care less about social programs, because they're shelling out money for the best private healthcare and private schools for their kids anyway.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:03 pm
by lhopitalified
Reachable wrote:
xan_user wrote:wow. just wow. :shock:

to say im befuddled would be an understatement.

excuse me while i ponder how come we cant fly, or breath under water yet without assistance...
You'd have to give up a lot of the human abilities that you value if your body were to adapt to be able to fly or breathe under water.

A few years ago there was a girl in the U.S., about 16, who was the best rock climber without equipment in the world, better even than any man. Her family had been missionaries in Africa, and when she was about three years old her parents gave her a pet monkey. She wanted to be just like the monkey and followed it as it climbed trees. If you looked at her you at first wouldn't think she was any different than any other cute teenage girl, but her arms were actually extraordinarily long for her height, her body fat content was unusually low, and she had amazingly long fingers. She could do chin-ups with one finger of each hand. This is adaptation by a living creature.
I fail to see what an uncited anecdote with a sample size of 1 demonstrates anything.

Maybe you don't ascribe to the principles of the scientific method, but you should be aware that many of the people here do, and they will dismiss your theories as b.s. if you don't provide at least some credible evidence of your theory.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:06 pm
by andyb
What you suggest would take a lot more time than 1000 years.
Exactly :)
You'd have to give up a lot of the human abilities that you value if your body were to adapt to be able to fly or breathe under water.

A few years ago there was a girl in the U.S., about 16, who was the best rock climber without equipment in the world, better even than any man. Her family had been missionaries in Africa, and when she was about three years old her parents gave her a pet monkey. She wanted to be just like the monkey and followed it as it climbed trees. If you looked at her you at first wouldn't think she was any different than any other cute teenage girl, but her arms were actually extraordinarily long for her height, her body fat content was unusually low, and she had amazingly long fingers. She could do chin-ups with one finger of each hand. This is adaptation by a living creature.
Please Mr Stupid may i have a link to some of this wonderful information that you are telling us is "real", I am sorry for being so distrusting of someone who "claims" to believe that Evolution is real and yet does not understand it one little bit.
I think you've ascribed more homogeneity to the Republican party than actually exists. My impression is that there are different factions with fairly different goals, but happen to align in certain ways.
I think that you have just defined "any" political party on the planet, in just the same way that you have defined any single human on the planet, we are all unique in every possible way, we just "align" ourselves to different movement or perspectives by how we feel, what we believe etc etc - not that there is anything wrong with that in anty way - it is a totally natural thing to happen that has been witnessed within many different groups of animals beyond humans before.
There are libertarians who vote Republican because the Republican party "supposedly" (I say supposedly, because they support programs like the military and Homeland Security, which is far more expensive than most of the social programs they want to cut.) is for smaller government, and who have no major conflict with the religious agenda of the fundamentalist Christians.
Maybe this one has more to do with the average persons fear of the unknown and the fear of attack - I have the same issue with our government reducing the size of our military as well, this issue does not just affect the "right-leaning" people (like me, which is a long way left of the American right), but affects everyone as everyone needs to feel that their country is going to protect them.
There are also fundamentalist Christians who are fairly socially liberal, but for whom moral issues like abortion and the death penalty trump any other aspects of the party line that they may disagree with.
Hence my point with people voting God into power, these idiots might listen to scientists and let them run the show.......... unless it conflicts with an ancient collection of fairy-tales, then they become hardened "Christians" and suddenly ignore scientists, doctors and nurses - idiots.
I'm sure there are also pro-corporation folks who vote Republican, because the Republican party tends to decrease progressive taxes (like income tax) in favor of regressive taxes, and who could care less about social programs, because they're shelling out money for the best private healthcare and private schools for their kids anyway.
I have no doubt there are, I am generally a "Tory" voter because they offer me what I want, they protect the things that I believe are worth protecting and they fight the things that I dislike...... generally..... no one is without fault and they will (if they have not already done so) commit good money to bad decisions, or given up on a fight that they should still be fighting, or even fighting a fight they should never have taken up.

We have all seen politicians make bad decisions, most of which we don't care about, many are short-lived. The ones that we do care about are the ones that continue to affect us negatively for year or even generations, and those that affect our own country in ways that can never be changed.

Some people see these as small decisions often because they don't see how things are going to change because they are "small" decisions, some don't even see them mounting up into huge problems including the many that we face in western economies.

In my country the "Labour Party" who were in power for thirteen (yes 13) years spent more money than the country was making even though we were in "boon" times, that is sadly moronic and has pushed our economy into the red in a very big way.

Fortunately we have had a "coalition" government for the last 18-months that has managed to get going straight away (unlike our European counterparts), our spending is being reduced right now, the plan of deficit reduction is actually working - although this could easily stop if the worlds western economies continue to go downhill as they currently are, if the US or European economies worsen then we will likely be sucked down the plug-hole with them, which I why I want to see the Republicans loose the next election in a huge way, this will leave the Obama administration to actually run the country with a heavy majority.

A solid government can make a huge difference to a country, this has been shown by our own, even though it is constructed of 2 very different political parties that are "working together for the good of the country" unlike the Europeans, who have so many opinions and problems and in-fighting of their own that it takes an age for anything to happen. That is just one of the many reasons why I am very happy not to be part of the Euro.
I fail to see what an uncited anecdote with a sample size of 1 demonstrates anything.

Maybe you don't ascribe to the principles of the scientific method, but you should be aware that many of the people here do, and they will dismiss your theories as b.s. if you don't provide at least some credible evidence of your theory.
Thanks for me having to not bother typing that all over again.


Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:45 pm
by xan_user
the "reachable theory of evolutionary change" has got to be some of the funniest crap ive read on the net in years....

surely horses must long to become Pegasus' or unicorns, and penguins and ostriches must long to fly with the other birds for millions of years, how come we dont see any yet?

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:00 pm
by andyb
the "reachable theory of evolutionary change" has got to be some of the funniest crap ive read on the net in years....

surely horses must long to become Pegasus' or unicorns, and penguins and ostriches must long to fly with the other birds for millions of years, how come we don't see any yet?
It is funny only if someone is saying it for amusement, however I believe that in this scenario it is actually "sad" because the individual appears to actually believe the crap that they are peddling.

BTW: Pegasi is the plural for Pegasus.

I do have to ask something about Unicorns though....... how many Viagra did they take to permanently have the horn...... and where do they put it :shock:


Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:29 pm
by judge56988
Reachable wrote: A few years ago there was a girl in the U.S., about 16, who was the best rock climber without equipment in the world, better even than any man. Her family had been missionaries in Africa, and when she was about three years old her parents gave her a pet monkey. She wanted to be just like the monkey and followed it as it climbed trees. If you looked at her you at first wouldn't think she was any different than any other cute teenage girl, but her arms were actually extraordinarily long for her height, her body fat content was unusually low, and she had amazingly long fingers. She could do chin-ups with one finger of each hand. This is adaptation by a living creature.
Most people call this "training" or "conditioning". The younger you start the better you get provided that you have the right body type to begin with; look at the Chinese gymnasts for instance. This would not be hereditary unless you think that training can change ones DNA?
Your ideas are more fanciful even, than the idea of a divine creator - which was actually a perfectly reasonable idea for primitive humans to have come up with as a way of explaining their world; your notions however, are about as close to reality as a Pixar movie.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:38 pm
by xan_user
they really should have more pegasi in viagra ads.

the only way i can keep my sanity semi-intact Andy, is to laugh at the stupidity around us.

the only candidate that can ever make this race interesting is ron paul. he could really shake things up debating obama. even if paul is undetectable, he brings many issues to the table that actually matter.

judge56988 wrote:your notions however, are about as close to reality as a Pixar movie.
way too much credit. pixar is far more realistic.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:17 am
by Reachable

Most people call this "training" or "conditioning". /quote]

My point is that "training" and "conditioning" is the same process as evolution, except that the meaning of the word "evolution" describes a general species-wide transformation over time.

If Monkey Girl were to have met and married a Monkey Boy with the same adaptations, their kids would have the same adaptations. That's how it works. Offspring look like their parents. If you keep looking for an outside agency outside of anyone's will to determine natural forms then you're no different than a creationist.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:21 am
by andyb
My point is that "training" and "conditioning" is the same process as evolution, except that the meaning of the word "evolution" describes a general species-wide transformation over time.
No it is not, it is merely a part of evolution, and not a large part either, forced conditioning such as mass-farmed chickens are not producing smaller wings and loosing their feathers even though many generations of them have been kept in areas that are so small and cramped that they simply don't have the room to fly (not that chickens are well know for flying), if 50,000 chickens per shed x several sheds per farm x many farms x many countries do not show any signs across dozens of generations that they are changing in any dramatic way then as it were, your evidence has flown away, and you are back to your insane idea that "willpower" and "thinking" can change things in a dramatic way in a small timescale (of a few generations), without evolution being involved.

Which brings me back to your statement that I have quoted above, this time you seem to have dropped your crazy notion that willpower and the mind can evolve new digits, or we can sprout wings simply because we really do want to fly, not to mention the obvious problems of a human with wings, the laws of physics would need to be re-written (but surely that can be done if we think about it hard enough) or a human's wingspan would have to be colossal as we are rather heavy animals.
If Monkey Girl were to have met and married a Monkey Boy with the same adaptations, their kids would have the same adaptations. That's how it works. Offspring look like their parents. If you keep looking for an outside agency outside of anyone's will to determine natural forms then you're no different than a creationist.
You really don't understand this subject do you.

The type of conditioning that you have mentioned would have a much smaller affect of "monkey girl + boy's" offspring than the diet of the mother whilst pregnant, that type of conditioning would have an effect if it was continued through many generations, but it would have a much quicker affect if incest was a component of the process to breed humans will huge arm-length, this is exactly what has happened with dog's and is known as "selective breeding" and has produced animals that some sick bastards want because of their own selfish desires rather than actually getting a healthy dog some arseholes want dogs that cannot see because their face is so saggy it has pulled their eyelids over their eyes, other people want small fluffy dogs with bulging eyes that have fits and suffer greatly because their brain is to large for their skull, or dogs that are white with black dots that have a 10%+ change of being born deaf........ and so on.

Also did you know that the average life expectancy of a "thoroughbred" (aka interbred, aka multi-generational incest-bred) is about half that of a mongrel, and that they have far more genetic problems because of selfish human desires, and as a result suffer far more throughout their short lives.

Anyway, selective breeding takes a very long time, many many generations, and selective breeding of animals by humans is many times faster than in the natural world

You still need to do some more reading to understand how evolution actually works, I can suggest a few books for you to read, in the link below are a few that should open your eyes - you should also know that the word "random" gets thrown around a lot by people who don't understand evolution or how genetics works, Dawkins explains in very clear terms how very little randomness there is in the world of Genetics - before you refute it you should read his books, they are also FACT, that people have tried and failed to prove otherwise many times. ... rd_Dawkins

Oh yes, I nearly forgot, you have said that you believe in evolution and your not a bible-thumper, but you do have some very strange ideas, can you please give some evidence for these ideas as I really need a chuckle.


Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:35 am
by judge56988
Reachable= wrote:
My point is that "training" and "conditioning" is the same process as evolution, except that the meaning of the word "evolution" describes a general species-wide transformation over time.

If Monkey Girl were to have met and married a Monkey Boy with the same adaptations, their kids would have the same adaptations. That's how it works. Offspring look like their parents. If you keep looking for an outside agency outside of anyone's will to determine natural forms then you're no different than a creationist.
I think you are very confused as to what drives evolution. There is no outside agency. It is the survival of those most suited to their environment. If you look here at a modern example of evolution in action (the peppered moth) you will find it explained in a better way than I could do. Or perhaps you think all those pale moths wished to be darker so that they would not get eaten.

If the monkey people were born with physical attributes that helped them to be better climbers and this gave them a better chance to survive and reproduce then yes some of their offspring might inherit those attributes and pass them on to their offspring and over time these attributes might become more developed.
If a person changes their body shape by working out in a gym for example, this will not be passed on because it is not changing their DNA. If you want a personal example, my shoulders have become uneven (one higher than the other) because of the kind of work I've been doing for the last 30 years. When my daughter was born she did not have uneven shoulders. Unsurprisingly.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:21 am
by xan_user
if willpower/wishful thinking was involved in evolution in any way, there would be no bald men and theyd all be hung like horses. :?

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:57 am
by Reachable
You misunderstand if you think I imply that wishful thinking can drive evolution. By "will" I mean intention, the mental state that gives rise to action. If you want big or strong muscles, just wishing it will not make it happen. You need to have the will to express strength in all your activities, and if you do have the will to express the strength, the muscles will manifest.

"Natural selection" does imply an outside agency, for it implies that the pre-existing genetic heritage of a creature is the determinant for its survival, and that the genetic heritage is always altered by a 'random' force of nature. The case of the peppered moth is a case of a human-caused rapid traumatic change to the environment. There was no time for adaptive change in the form or function of the creatures, only an alteration of the balance of the traits within the population. No evolution of the moth occurred. Remember that in any given population of any type of creature at any given time all of the members of the population are suited to their environment. With the usual, gradual change to the environment, species evolve by gradual adaptation to the change. Factors other than pre-existing genetic heritage usually determine who lives (such as being in the wrong place at the wrong time and falling to a predator, and the vulnerability of the very young or old.)

The doctrine of "natural selection" has always been used as a rationalization of economic inequality. Capitalism and trade are seen as a 'natural' system that separates the 'strong' from the 'weak'. I don't have to expound on the nonsense of that.

It's an awful irony that the people who have the most to gain by the maintenance of social Darwinism, the powerful capitalists, are able to get the religious fundamentalists, the anti-evolutionists, to vote for the Republicans (mainly) who would maintain the Darwinian economics of the past 30 years. Liberals tend to espouse belief in evolution, and yet liberalism is decidedly anti-Darwinian. What philosophy do the liberals have to stand their actions on? Nothing. It is only human compassion and sympathy and a responsibility to the world. If they understood the fatal flaws in the theory that they vocally champion yet act in opposition to, they would be more effective

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:19 pm
by Reachable
judge56988 wrote: If a person changes their body shape by working out in a gym for example, this will not be passed on because it is not changing their DNA. If you want a personal example, my shoulders have become uneven (one higher than the other) because of the kind of work I've been doing for the last 30 years. When my daughter was born she did not have uneven shoulders. Unsurprisingly.
How do you know that it doesn't change their DNA? It's obvious that human DNA has changed over time as a direct result of changes in human activities.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:23 pm
by xan_user
what is obvious, is you need to do a lot of reading up on DNA and how it works.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:38 pm
by Reachable
xan_user wrote:what is obvious, is you need to do a lot of reading up on DNA and how it works.
DNA can be changed or damaged by particles produced by radioactive decay, ionizing electromagnetic radiation, and toxic conditions. That much is known, because it was able to be determined by relatively simple experiments. As is always the case, the ceiling of knowledge in a given area is determined by what avenues are understood to have to be explored, and by the technology available to do so.

And by the way, why don't you just give me a little outline of where my knowledge is deficient? Put your money where your mouth is -- I'll bet you can't.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:50 pm
by andyb
No evolution of the moth occurred.
You total and utter idiot, you really have no idea at all as to how evolution works.

If you only read one book this year it should be the one in the link below. ... _Evolution

It might even make me un-idiot you, until then good-night world.


Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:08 pm
by xan_user
Reachable wrote:
xan_user wrote:what is obvious, is you need to do a lot of reading up on DNA and how it works.
DNA can be changed or damaged by particles produced by radioactive decay, ionizing electromagnetic radiation, and toxic conditions. That much is known, because it was able to be determined by relatively simple experiments. As is always the case, the ceiling of knowledge in a given area is determined by what avenues are understood to have to be explored, and by the technology available to do so.

And by the way, why don't you just give me a little outline of where my knowledge is deficient? Put your money where your mouth is -- I'll bet you can't.
really!? you want me to explain why will/desire has absolutely nothing to do with naturally controlling DNA?
better idea is to support your local community college, and take a basic biology class. or for that mater high school.

you should really PM Mike C and have him add "un" to the beginning of your username.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:22 pm
by dancingsnails
Some bizarre ideas about evolution in this thread. Reachable, you could really benefit by reading a bit about biology. Also the connection between Darwinism and Social Darwinism is pretty tenuous - and I don't think there have been any (non fringe) proponents of Social Darwinism since the fall of Nazism.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:53 pm
by Michael Sandstrom
Reverse social darwinism might apply. As Dr. Hunter Thompson said, "the scum also rises".

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:46 am
by Reachable
dancingsnails wrote:Some bizarre ideas about evolution in this thread. Reachable, you could really benefit by reading a bit about biology. Also the connection between Darwinism and Social Darwinism is pretty tenuous - and I don't think there have been any (non fringe) proponents of Social Darwinism since the fall of Nazism.
In Nazi Germany it was a racist kind of social Darwinism, and a horrible culling of 'substandard' people. It was spoken and overt. It's not really the same as the economic kind. The latter is present as a current of thought in most places, especially when you have laissez-faire, unregulated economics. Social Darwinism predated Darwin -- he got his inspiration from it, insofar as it reflects the consequences of trade games. No, he didn't say as much (as far as I know), but that's the only source he could have gotten it from. Nature just doesn't work that way.

It's interesting how there are those who are trying to rationalize that I don't know even basic biology, simply because I disagree with part of its doctrine.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:25 am
by dancingsnails
Reachable wrote:In Nazi Germany it was a racist kind of social Darwinism, and a horrible culling of 'substandard' people. It was spoken and overt. It's not really the same as the economic kind. The latter is present as a current of thought in most places, especially when you have laissez-faire, unregulated economics. Social Darwinism predated Darwin -- he got his inspiration from it, insofar as it reflects the consequences of trade games. No, he didn't say as much (as far as I know), but that's the only source he could have gotten it from. Nature just doesn't work that way.
First time I've heard anyone suggest that Darwin got his inspiration from Social Darwinists...
Darwin does discuss in The Descent of Man that natural selection should lead to altruism - and the converse of what Social Darwinists would suggest.
It's interesting how there are those who are trying to rationalize that I don't know even basic biology, simply because I disagree with part of its doctrine.
You're propounding bizarre ideas without much in the way of rational backing. It's reasonable to assume that you're doing so out of ignorance.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:31 am
by dancingsnails
You're propounding bizarre ideas without much in the way of rational backing. It's reasonable to assume that you're doing so out of ignorance.
To be fair I should say "without anything that comes across as rational backing".

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:06 pm
by andyb
How about we change the subject back to "American Politics" in the run-up (a very long run up) to finding out the person who will be going up against Obama, and whether they are as moronic as "UNreachable".

I think that we should all totally ignore "UNreachable" until such a time as he gives us some king of evidence to backup his "magical" ideas, its getting boring going round in circles with everyone pointing out that there is not a scrap of evidence to support "UNreachables" idea's, and a gigantic mountain of evidence to the contrary.

"UNreachable" is as far as I am concerned is a "Troll" that we have been feeding and he is acting like a total cock and obviously wont stop, so therefore we must stop instead, regardless of what this particular troll says he believes, he obviously does not believe in "The Scientific Method", does believe that willpower can drastically change a body in a few generations, does not believe in Evolution, yet ironically claims to believe in evolution, claims not to be a bible-thumping nutter and has given us lots of evidence to the contrary.

So in conclusion we should stop communicating with him in any way, and carry on with the OT...... which reminds me, WTF is going on over there I haven't been able to watch or read the news for a couple of days.


Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:11 pm
by xan_user
OK back to politics!
forget ron paul, vote rupaul 2012!

Image ... real-drag/

(too bad rupaul couldn't use his will to turn his DNA into that of a real woman...crap there i go again getting off topic and feeding the trolls again.)

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:34 pm
by dancingsnails
Currently there's a lot of hot air coming out our batch of Republican candidates. I think it will be tricky to silence them as some of them are on edge of being unstable already.

Re: Please don't put another Moron in the White House

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:38 am
by NeilBlanchard
Election update: Dixville Notch, NH has tallied their votes!
Democrat: Obama = 3
Republican: Romney = 2
Huntsman = 2
Paul = 1
Gingrich = 1

NOTE: Dixville Notch votes at 12:01 am; their results have correctly predicted the Republican nominee since 1960.

I think there are 4 independents, 3 Republicans, and 2 Democrats registered in Dixville Notch.