Help me pinpoint instability

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Help me pinpoint instability

Post by Pilot » Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:12 am

My system had been running without a glitch for months with no major upgrade.

Air path has not been changed recently neither.

Last week i began dampening my case with gedicoustic (mutemat ?) :
Sides, top panel, and bottom : there is a slight overlap with the edge of the motherboard.

So far, it ran smoothly.

Two days ago, i removed the mobo from its tray to put a layer between the mobo and the tray, in contact.
To achieve that, i had to remove the PSU, and thus also the SI-97.

When remounted, everything was ok, but i have no long stability test to be sure of it. Temps were exactly like before.

But yesterday, I put another layer in the back : it touches the connection ports, the edge of the mounting for the video and the edge of the mobo.
Now the system is no longer stable : i experience screen blank outs and image scrambling. I reopenend the case to check the graphics board : it is correctly seated and secured in the agp slot. It doesn't even move when i push on it.
The ribbon of the monitor is correctly screwed to the pb is not there neither.

FYI, the vga card is not hot : the issue can happen during boot or just after.
It looks like a component is getting too hot on the mobo, or there is a short circuit because of the pressure the layer applied somewhere.

Has someone encountered this kind of disappointment ?

(Maybe i should not have used staples to fix the mutemat on the motherboard :D )

binary visions
Posts: 39
Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:42 pm

Post by binary visions » Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:58 am

I don't know what specific kind of material you used, but assuming it's not permanently bonded with glue, why not just try removing the last layer that you added right before you began experiencing problems?

It sounds like you might be putting too much pressure on some component of the motherboard.

It is, of course, also possible that in your removing and reinstalling of the motherboard and its components during your last round of foam application, you accidentally broke something.

Hope you get it resolved!

edit: Incidentally, I find the best way to apply anything to the motherboard is with a pneumatic nail gun.

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