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So much technology for nothing

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:41 am
by aristocompasso
Hi all,

This may be my first post here but I've been following these forums for a really long time now.
All I can say is that we claim to be so technologically developed, but we still cannot have a cool and silent laptop, no matter what! And even in my workstation I had to devise a huge system just to cool it down without any noise pollution.

The laptop I have (HP dv6780ep) has the folowing pattern: 33º C on the cpu activates the fan. The temp. goes down to 27º C and the fan shuts down. These temps are given by RMclock, but speedfan reports generally 3º C more (speedfan doesn't really work, I just use it to monitor the temps) and these are with the system running at 600MHz.
The GPU is stationary at 60º C because I don't need all the power in the geforce 8400m gs.

I will shortly patch the dsdt table to make the fan run at 20% all the time instead of running in short 15s bursts every 90s.
With the zalman notebook cooler (only one fan at half speed) the interval between fan activation is 150s or more under normal internet/office use. With the zalman cooler running both fans at full speed, the laptop's internal fan only activates under long heavy load, the problem is that the noise coming from the cooler is almost the same as the one from the laptop, even if it's less annoying.

I'm looking for advice on how to undervolt the geforce (i've tried rivatuner and another stuff but it didn't work).
Also, I was hoping that I could change the heatsink+fan assembly, or at least mod it. Anybody knows about a compatible low noise blower fan that I could use. HP heatsink fan part 450933-001.
Picture here:
Any other suggestion?

The reason why this is so important (besides hating the noise) is that I'd like to use the laptop for mobile sound recording and maybe in the control room, but then I couldn't have it running at 600MHz!! I thought about buying another laptop but I figured I would never get the perfect one, so I'll just save the money for something else that makes me happier.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:26 pm
by edh
Have you already tried removing and reseating the heatsinks with some better thermal paste? Many laptops aren't well assembled and I have previously totally eradicated fan revving with a laptop by sticking the CPU heatsink down with even a basic thermal paste and dropping ~10C.

As for the graphics chip, programs like Rivatuner often don't support the mobile chips very well. It's a shame NVIDIA made their control panel so horrid a few years ago because previously you'd just install Coolbits 2.0 and vary the clockspeeds in the driver. You could try using NiBiTor if it supports this mobile chipset to modify the video BIOS with some lower speeds and voltages.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:26 pm
by whiic
I also find it extremely annoying that laptops have to ON/OFF cycle the CPU fan so audibly.

I intend to tackle the problem by undervolting the fan with series resistor or diode(s). Optimally the fan would always spin lowly but to make it do that, I would have to add quite a bit of resistance to it, so that fan will spin without actually doing enough cooling to make system cut off the fan power. With such big resistance, max rpm on high-load / high airflow resistance (like holding laptop on your lap, blocking airintake partially with clothing) conditions would be severely reduced and overheating could be common.

So, I'd probably stick to low in-series resistance, so that fan does indeed cycle ON/OFF but the lowest non-zero rpm would be ... halved, for example.

This would no doubt hurt battery life as fan would spinning more ofter and a great deal of energy given to fan will be lost to heat in in-series resistor. PWM speed control is better than in-series resistance (or other similar voltage drop, like in-series diode) but what can we do... it's not like they offer any user control for that PWM fan. No SpeedFan, no BIOS setting.

If I at least could set a higher target temperature for CPU. 50 deg C core temp is ridiculously low for a system that is supposed to minimize energy loss attributed to system cooling. 30 deg above ambient... they could easily take 60 deg above ambient but just 40 deg above ambient would probably suffice to keep can from occiationally spinning when idle, at least when ambient is around 20.

I could agree with you more on your opinion about things not having advanced. It's mostly due to them not trusting us to control out own hardware so they force us to use presets. Added with content protection, and Microsoft Partnership that prevents laptop retailers / OEM from selling laptops without pre-installed OS, it really makes wonder who is actually the paying customer.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:12 pm
by TangoGranny

My laptops are dead silent- I can record with a c3000 or c1000 AKG mic sitting in front of me and pick up nothing but my breathing.

I recommend you sell that laptop and find something that is more beefy and has better thermal dissipation. My xps 1710 is dead silent- the fans RARELY come on, and if they do I can't hear them- took two years for the fans to even be noticeable. It's totally silent, unless I'm running like 64 loaded tracks and crunching a track I already recorded with or mastering down a serious big session, in which case the CPU fans come on for a little bit, quietly.

My 17" powerbook was silent too, though it got too hot and cooked itself.
Get a 17" system with a good CPU and GPU and warranty. HP makes much better than those- but that's a newer one so you'll have to go back 2-4 years to find one (I recommend the dv500 or DV8000 series, intel CPU and Geforce GPU). HP went south in quality after 2006/2007.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:58 am
by JezuLINK
Hi, I have a similar problem...

I don´t open a new post... paste it:

"I have a PoV Mobii Ion. It had a problem with the schedule fan. I contacted with the support and he sent me some files to run with a bootable pen drive.

I ran it, and the problem was resolved, but isn´t enough because using the netbook only to read .pdf the fan is running always and I don´t like use the netbook in a library with noise.

The problem is that the bios is "gelded", I haven´t options... I could down the performance of the cpu, or modificate the speed fan. But I can´t do it. Moreover, software as speedfan can´t regulate the fan.

The fan start with 38ºC and stop with 33ºC. Do you think that I can modify that files to change those parameters?

the files: megaupload.****com/?d=491IWRO1 (remove ****)

Now, the cpu is to 37ºC and the fan running... I wish reduce the speed fan or up the levels of start and stop of the fan.

What can I do?"

I will try open the netbook and put thermal paste... but he han only 10 days! and see the Nibitor if it is compatible.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:45 pm
by JezuLINK
Do you know if there are any software similar to Nibitor for modificate a file .bin of a nforce 730i?