Thermalright XP-90 installing issues

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Thermalright XP-90 installing issues

Post by olemm » Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:50 am


I've had my Antec Fusion up running for about three weeks now with the E6300 stock cooler and a ASrock Conroe946G DVI mobo. Yesterday I recieved a Thermalright XP-90 with 775-adapter and a nexus 92 mm fan, and after mounting it, my computer went dead. First, it booted as normal, CPU-temp 32 C, but when I shut the computer off to reinstall the rest of the cards, it went into suspend mode, and i was unable to boot it again. Fans running, but the system didn't boot at all, no signal to either screen etc.

After fiddeling around checking all contacts etc. for some time, I released the clamps on the thermalright heatsink, and then the system booted and ran just fine.

Can the pressure from the heatsink really do this? How can I avoid this problem? Is it possible that the ASrock mobo has the CPU slot mounted slightly higher than similar motherboards? Any smart tricks that makes it possible for me to use the XP90 heatsink?

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Post by pony-tail » Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:23 pm

If there is a weakness in the solder joints - Yes it can . If the board is properly made it should not .
I run an XP90c on my A64 and have had no such issues , but I have seen it on a Shuttle SN45g when the cooler (proprietry heatpipe cooler calledan ICE ) was clamped down tight the machine would not boot - back the thumbscrews off a turn all round works fine -
If the cooler is very tight the board flexes underneath , but if the cooler is not tight enough the CPU overheats .

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Post by olemm » Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:17 am

Thanks for your answer..

I have been talking to the sales point and to Thermalright support.

According to thermalright, apparently I have been sold a old version (pre February) of the cooler mount, with 6 mm screws instead of 10 mm. Though, the sales point refuses that this could be the problem, and claims that the screws are short circiuting the motherboard, which I find hard to believe, since the computer boots with the screws in place. The seller claimed that 6 or 10 mm screws shouldn't mather, and that any screw would short circiut the motherboard.

I will try to get hold of a set of 10 mm screws at some other sales point as Thermalright suggest, but is it plausible that this potentially will ruin my motherboard?

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Post by olemm » Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:42 am

Just to close the thread - 10 mm screws finally arrived today, and they solved the problem. I also changed the direction of the cooler because of a capacitor-thingy standing dangerously close to the mount, and the computer now runs perfectly with this cooler.

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Post by dhanson865 » Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:00 am

Thanks for the follow up.

If you don't mind me asking did you buy the XP90 online or "locally" as in a physical store? Also can you confirm if you got the Aluminum or Copper version of the XP90?

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